Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh what a night.

Sabine's been acting funny these days...or I guess I should really say nights. There have been a few where she has almost slept through (finally), but then there are others (like last night) where she's up and yelling for me every few hours still. Sometimes I think she's just testing me. Of course, I could try and let her cry through it and then she would probably be sleeping through her nights in no time but it just always seems easier to get up, lay her back down, tuck her in, and she goes right back to sleep, which means I can too. Otherwise, she's up and crying, and I'm up and waiting...

Kaia has also started doing alot of talking and even yelling in her sleep. It's sometimes a little startling, but mostly amusing, like the other night when I heard her say "How 'bout this one?'. It's what she always says when she's trying to convince me to put a movie on for her that she wants to watch.

Oh, to get a full night of uninterrupted sleep...

And then of course we're all up first thing in the morning, and it's been getting earlier and earlier lately for some reason...maybe it's the earlier hours of daylight. For all the hassles they give me at night though, they sure make up for it by giving me lots of love and kisses in the morning!

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